IED is starting the study on Zimbabwe's National Integrated Energy Planning, under the aegis of the Ministry of Energy and Power Development, funded by the African Development Bank Group.

Flag of Zimbabwe

This important study, of one year duration, aims to establish the energy trajectory of this southern African country for the next 20 years. All energy vectors will be studied: electricity, coal, bio-energy, petroleum products, etc. as well as all sectors: mining, agriculture, domestic energy, industry...

Our partners SustEnergy and Artelys will support us respectively on the analysis of the national energy system and the modelling of the energy sector using the CEPIA tool. Following the data collection, the IED teams will forecast demand and supply according to 3 scenarios.

The final objective is to propose to the Zimbabwean government a strategic vision and policy briefs allowing to minimize its greenhouse gas emissions, while ensuring the country's economic development and access to modern energy for the entire population.

Zimbabwe will thus be for IED the 3rd country after Mauritania and Cambodia  to demonstrate its excellence in long-term energy planning.


Harare, Zimbabwe's capital