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Reference Name of the project Main activity Country Year
218 Engaging Indonesia Banks in scaling up investment for sustainable energy: market needs analysis from a banking perspective Consultancy Indonesia . 2007
217 Energy audit of the communal assets and street lighting in the “Département des Hautes Alpes” Studies France . 2006
216 Energy audits in horticultural and market gardening farms Studies France . 2006
215 Technical audit and legal framework design assistance of the "Bourg et Comin" HydroPower Station Consultancy France . 2006
214 Feasibility study for mini hydropower stations implementation on Ceze river Studies France . 2006
213 Capacity and institutional strengthening for rural electrification and development, Decentralized Energy Options (CAP REDEO) Capacity building Cambodia . Laos 2006-2009
212 Assistance to the Club of Agencies and National Organisations in charge of Rural Electrification (CLUB ER) Technical assistance AFRICA . 2005-2007
209 Wind Farms Regional Integration Studies France . 2006-2007
208 Development of a decentralized cooperation programme targeting transport and sustainable development sectors between Karnataka (India) and Rhône-Alpes(France) Studies India . 2006
207 Energy audit and Dynamic Thermal modelling of “Le FORUM” building in Grenoble (France) Studies France . 2006
206 Energy Audit and Dynamic thermal modelling of “Le Mercure” building in Grenoble (France) Studies France . 2006
205 Elaboration of a regulatory framework for large scale development of grid-connected wind energy Consultancy Morocco . 2006
203 Analysis of the Legal Framework for SMEs in the Energy Sector Studies Cameroon . 2006
202 Assistance for private sector networking in the energy sector in ASEAN region Consultancy SOUTHEAST ASIA . SOUTH ASIA 2006
201 Organisation of an international Workshop on the Theme :”Energy Efficiency, Private-Public Partnerships and Sustainable Development in industrial zones”. Capacity building Morocco . 2005
200 Energy audit of a company producing pesticide and chemical products for agriculture Studies France . 2006
199 Support to Economic Clusters Programme: Development of Oil and Gas machinery Industry Studies Kazakhstan . 2006
198 Technical assistance to the decentralized rural electrification project through photovoltaic packages and mini grids supplied by mini hydropower or diesel stations (VOPS) Technical assistance Laos 2006-2009
197 Revision of the energy part of the French "Environmental Approach of Urbanism" guidebook Studies France . 2005
196 Vocational Technical Training for Cambodia and Laos rural electrification SMEs (VTCL) Capacity building Cambodia. Laos. 2005-2006