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Reference Name of the project Main activity Country Year
195 Meeting high-priority electricity needs of rural public institutions with photovoltaic technology Studies Rwanda . 2005
194 Study on Decentralised electrification in Mauritania – Solar component Studies Mauritania . 2005
193 Feasibility study for the natural gas supply to the Corsica island Studies France . 2006
192 Elaboration of the regional energy sector action plan for Central African countries Consultancy Cameroon . Equatorial Guinea. Congo. Gabon. Chad. Centrafrica. 2005
191 Pre-Feasibility studies for mini hydro power plants implementation for tea factories supply in East Africa Studies Burundi . Kenya. Malawi. Mozambique. Rwanda. Tanzania. Uganda. Zambia 2005
190 Technical assistance to the Grenoble OPATB thermal and energy efficiency improvement programme Technical assistance France . 2005
189 Capacity Building Strategy for the Electricity Regulatory Agency (ARSEL) Capacity building Cameroon . 2005
188 Feasibility studies of two micro hydro power stations Studies France . 2005
187 Elaboration of the White Paper for a Regional Policy in the energy sector for ECOWAS Countries Studies Benin . Burkina Faso. Capo-Verde. Ivory Coast. Gambia. Ghana. Guinea. Guinea Bissau. Liberia. Mali. Niger. Nigeria. Senegal. Sierra Leone. Togo. 2005
185 Support and capacity building in GIS and electrification planning for the Mauritanian Ministry of Energy Software application Mauritania . 2005
184 Improvement of socio-economics impact of rural electrification through an integrated multisectoral planning approach (IMPROVES-RE) Studies Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali, Niger 2007-2009
183 Assistance to the Ministry of Education for the implementation of the “PV and ICT packages” programme for the education sector Technical assistance Uganda . 2005
182 Regional Strategic plan for wind energy development Consultancy France . 2005
181 Feasibility study and capacity building for wind energy development in Cambodia, Philippines and Vietnam Capacity building Philippines. Vietnam. Cambodia 2005-2006
180 Design of the Emergency Rural Electrification Programme of the Senegal River Basin Studies Mali . Senegal 2004
179 Update of the Power Demand Forecast Study in Nouakchott Studies Mauritania . 2004
178 Preparation of Institutional Assistance to the Power Department of Mauritania Studies Mauritania . 2004
177 Prediagnosis for a development of Small Hydroelectric Power Stations (SHPP) Studies France . 2004
176 Feasibility Study for a hydro power plant Studies France . 2004
175 Feasibility study for a micro hydropower plant Studies France . 2004