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Reference Name of the project Main activity Country Year
153 Study of potential for mini-hydro development in a French region Studies France. . 2003
152 Feasibility study of a hydro-power station Studies France. . 2004
151 Promotion of energy efficiency in large buildings and small shops Studies France. . 2003.
150 Study on hydropower development potential Studies France. . 2003
149 Development of a medium term public expenditure plan in the Mauritanian energy Studies Mauritania. . 2003
148 Development of an Institutional Infrastructure Framework for an off-grid rural electrification programme and elaboration of the contractual frameworks required for small private service providers Studies Cameroon. . 2003
147 Improvement of industrial water and energy efficiency and environmental situation of a Moroccan industrial area Studies Morocco. . 2003
146 Management of the ISIS database providing a technical, geographical and financial listing of renewable energy systems in France and ensuring their technical and financial follow up. Software application France. . 2003
145 Feasibility study for the regional solar pumping programme (PRS II) Studies Burkina Faso. Mali. Niger 1999
144 Tackling the Quality in Solar Rural Electrification (TaQSolRE) : Development of a strategy to improve confidence of stakeholders involved in the photovoltaic electrification (private, public, financial) and improvement of Photovoltaic programmes reliabili Studies OTHERS 2003
143 Rural Electrification Decentralised Energy Options (REDEO): Development of a decision help software tool for rural electrification planning in Mekong river countries Software application Cambodia. Laos. Vietnam. 2003-2005
142 Provision of Facilitation Services for the EU Co-ordination Process for the Development and Implementation of the EU Energy Initiative for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development Consultancy OTHERS 2003
141 Baseline survey, monitoring and Evaluation Framework and Hydro Market Development Strategy Studies Ethiopia. . 2003
137 Feasibility study of the regional programme for decentralized rural electrification in Cameroon Development of Mini Hydro Power (MHP) Studies Cameroon. . 2002
136 Energy audit in some butcher and caterer companies Studies OTHERS 2003
135 Development of Terms of reference for studies on demand side management and on decentralized power production Studies France. . 2002
134 Feasability study for power supply from a drinking water supply network Studies France. . 2002
133 Development of a software for decentralized electrification systems management in developing countries (“MR Gestion” and “PV Gestion”) Software application OTHERS 2002
132 SHERPA Small Hydro Energy Efficient Campaign Action Consultancy France. Sweden. Italy. Slovenia. Sweden. Poland 2006
131 Technical audit of the air conditioning equipments at BICEC headquarter (International Bank of Cameroon for Saving and Credit) prior to their rehabilitation Studies Cameroon. . 2006