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Reference Name of the project Main activity Country Year
130 International comparative study on power production costs in non-interconnected zones (countries) Studies France. . 2002
129 Study on innovative risk coverage and financing of projects related to the implementation of CDM Projects focussing in India and Morocco-Iris Kyoto Studies Morocco. India. 2003
128 SPLASH project – Spatial Plans and Local Arrangement for Small Hydro. Development of local plans for Small Hydro development. Dissemination activities for good practise and design. Consultancy Poland. France. Switzerland. Ireland. Greece. Belgium. Portugal 2003
127 Participation to the Scientific and technical Committee of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Consultancy OTHERS 2002
126 Pre-feasibility study of Small Hydro power plants in Tea catchments areas of Kenya Studies Kenya. . 2004
125 Representation on behalf of France in the IEA PVPS Task 9 – Deployment of Photovoltaic services for regional development Consultancy VARIOUS 2002
125 Representation on behalf of France in the IEA PVPS Task IX Programme – Deployment of photovoltaic technologies : Co-operation with Developing Countries Consultancy OTHERS 2002
124 Organisation of a discussion workshop on Decentralised Rural Electrification Projects in some West African countries Capacity building AFRICA 2002
122 Development of a methodological Guide for environmental urban planning Studies France. . 2002
118 Scoping for the renewable energy component in the development of an energy project Studies Congo 2003
117 Study on mini hydro and tidal turbine power plants technologies adapted to rural electrification in developing countries Studies ASIA. AFRICA. EUROPE 2003-2004
115 Technical assistance for monitoring and supervision of extension and rehabilitation works of inland diesel powerplants Technical assistance Mauritania. . 2007
114 Development of a strategy and the implementation plan of the rural electrification component of the Energy Sector Reform Project (PRSE) Consultancy Burkina Faso. . 2002
113 Study on electricity decentralized production from small hydro power plants through private sector and local co-operatives participation Studies Ethiopia. . 2002
112 Development of an action plan to promote energy efficiency in public building Consultancy Mauritania. . 2001
111 Identification of projects aiming at modernizing cooling installations in industry sector in order to reduce their environmental impact Studies Benin. Burkina Faso. Ivory Coast, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo 2001
110 Feasibility study and development of MHP tender documents for private sector participation in the electrification of three secondary centres Studies Mozambique. . 2001
108 Feasability study of a decentralized rural electrification programme Studies Cameroon 2002
107 Technical Assistance to the Agency for Development of Rural Electrification (ADER) Technical assistance Mauritania. . 2002
106 Feasibility study of the Malian component of the Regional Solar Pumping Programme(PRS II) Studies Mali. . 2002