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Reference Name of the project Main activity Country Year
105 Development of policy options and tools to encourage the transfer and implementation of technologies contributing to sustainable development in developing countries Studies EUROPE. . 2001
103 Technical Assistance to the renewable energy G8 task force to identify the main barriers to the use of renewable sources of energy in developing countries Technical assistance OTHERS. . 2000
102 Feasibility study of the Nigerian component of the Phase of the Regional Solar Programme (PRS II) Studies Niger. . 2000
101 Feasibility study for rural electrification projects in Senegal river basin Studies Mali. Mauritania. Senegal 2001
99 Technical assistance to the Ouahigouya region electrification project Technical assistance Burkina Faso. . 2000
98 Study on potential energy savings in cooling systems Studies France. Spain. Portugal. Italy. Greece. Germany 2000
97 Power, fuel an water efficiency programme for the industries of and industrial zone of Casablanca, incl. Pilot implementation Studies Morocco. . 2000
95 Study on dwelling heating systems labelling Consultancy EUROPE. . 2000
94 Feasibility study of the Burkina Faso component of the Regional Solar Pumping Programme Studies Burkina Faso. . 2000
93 Technical assistance to the rural electrification project of Ganzourgou region Technical assistance Burkina Faso. . 2000
92 Assessment of energy potential, with special focus on renewable energies Studies France. . 2000
91 Feasibility study for the private development of mini hydropower plants Studies Philippines. . 2000
90 Harnessing of biomass for decentralised rural electrification Consultancy Cameroon. . 1999
89 Assessment of a renewable energy based electrification programme Consultancy France. . 2000
88 Promotion of grid-connected PV systems in Europe (HIP HIP project) Consultancy Austria. France. Germany. Italy. Netherlands 2000
87 On site assessment of a PV Volumetric pump performances Studies Niger. . 1999
86 Feasability study for urgent operation power capacity strengthening in Ouagadougou Studies Burkina Faso. . 1999
85 Upgrading of the environment and energy aspects of the Industrial Zone of Sidi Bernoussi Zenata - Casablanca Consultancy Morocco. . 1999
84 Study on renewable energy sources market and of rational use of energy in Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam Studies Malaysia. Philippines. Thailand. Vietnam 1999
83 Framework study for changing / upgrading chillers and cooling systems in Ivorian industry Studies Ivory Coast. . 1999