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Reference Name of the project Main activity Country Year
469 Capacity building of SBEE in the electrification and energy planning sector Capacity building Benin. . 2021
468 National programme to improve access to electricity Studies Mali. . 2021-2023
467 Technical Assistance of the SUNREF Madagascar program Technical assistance Madagascar. . 2021-2024
465 Electrification studies, social intermediation and electrification works in 22 localities of the Ganvié lake city Studies Benin. . 2021-2023
464 Analysis of the energy profile and local connectivity in the Central East region Studies Burkina Faso. . 2021
462 Support for the finalization of the concession agreement signing process and monitoring the deployment phase of OCEF's mini-networks Technical assistance Benin. . 2020-2022
461 Pre-project Studies and tender file for hybridization of 4 photovoltaic diesel plants (1 MWc - 12 MWc) Studies Cameroon 2021
460 Study Pre-project and tender file for the PV hybridization of 5 diesel power plants (50-90 kWc) Studies Gabon. . 2020-2021
459 Geospatial study of the ECOWAS Regional Electricity Access Project Studies Niger. . 2020-2021
458 Update Benin Electricity Production Distribution Master Plan by 2045 Consultancy Benin. . 2020-2022
457 Development of an Energy Sector Modelling Tool for the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) Consultancy Cambodia. . 2020-2021
456 Modelling the Impact of Albanian Power Market Reforms Technical assistance Albania. . 2020-2021
455 Analysis of least-cost geospatial electrification options for on-grid and off-grid deployment Studies Madagascar. . 2020-2022
454 National Electrification Strategy (NES) Studies Benin. . 2020-2021
453 Support for tendering processes for the construction of decentralized power plants (10MW) from Renewable Energy Technical assistance Ivory Coast. . 2020-2022
452 Pre-feasibility studies for the electrification, by renewable energy sources, of 21 unserved or under-electricity-fired provincial cities and 5 Hydro pre-feasibility Studies Studies DRC 2020
451 Support for tendering processes for a biomass electrical power plants Technical assistance Ivory Coast 2020-2023
450 Institutional Capacity Building to the Renewable Energy Sector Capacity building Kenya 2020-2023
449 Analysis of Rural Electrification Planning and Sustainable Rural Electrification Approaches Studies Peru 2020-2021
447 Promotion of the rational use of energy products to facilitate rapid access of populations to lighting - Lighting Africa Technical assistance Burkina Faso 2020