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Reference Name of the project Main activity Country Year
62 Reduction of CFC 11 and 12 consumption in ice cater production plants in textile units Studies Vietnam. . 1999
61 Technical assistance for the improvement of Abidjan airport cooling system energy efficiency Technical assistance Ivory Coast. . 1998
59 Technical assistance for decentralized rural electrification in South West areas Technical assistance Burkina Faso. . 1998
58 Training seminar for renewable energy project developers, users, suppliers and bankers of Asean countries Capacity building ASIA 1998
57 Technical assistance to the construction of Wind-diesel generation unit for Maio island electrification Technical assistance Cape Verde. . 1998
56 Study on capacity expansion of a diesel power plant Studies Mauritania. . 1998
55 Strategic study on Energy for Sub-Saharian countries sustainable development, with ACP-EU negotiations perspective Studies Sub-Saharans African countries 1998
54 Assessment of the European Commission JOULE and THERMIE programmes Consultancy OTHERS. . 1997
53 Improvement of the electricity storage process in the PV equipment (IMPROVESTORE) Consultancy OTHERS. . 1999
52 Certification and Standardisation of PV equipment to ensure the development of a sustainable market in the developing countries (CESIS-PV) Studies OTHERS. . 1998
51 Comparative Evaluation of Analytical Tools for the Environmental quality of buildings Studies France. . 1999
50 Working Group on Efficient Domestic Ovens Capacity building EUROPE. . 1998
49 Identification of mini-hydro investments and feasability study Studies Madagascar. . 1998
48 Development of a mini hydro based rural electrification programme for Bhutan Studies Bhoutan. . 1997
47 Proposal for the European Union Thermie A Programme Studies France. . 1997
46 Evaluation of the Ademe policy for decision making in industrial wastes Studies France 1997
45 Development of a support document for the development of the energy sector Consultancy Burkina Faso. . 1997
44 Technical Assistance to the Regional co-ordination of the Regional Solar Pumping Programme - Consolidation phase Technical assistance Cape Verde. Gambia. Mauritania. Guinea Bissau. Senegal. Burkina Faso. Mali. Niger. Chad 1997
43 Evaluation of Migrations & Development NGO electrification actions Studies Morocco. . 1997
42 Promotion of Decentralised Rural Electrification (DRE) in Mali and Burkina Faso Studies Burkina Faso. Mali. 1997