Technical assistance
Rural electrification. N/A  N/A



Assistance to the Club of Agencies and National Organisations in charge of Rural Electrification (CLUB ER)

Country : AFRICA .
Client : ADEME - French Environment and Energy Management Agency . IEPF - Institute of the Energy of the French Speaking Countries
Start Date : 2005
Completion Date : 2007
Value of services : 223 163 €
Funder : ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency)- EPF (Francophone Institute of Energy and Environment)
Associate/Partner : N/A
Description :
Club-ER aims to foster the development of rural electrification in Africa, by creating appropriate conditions for exchange of best practices between agencies and national structures in charge of rural electrification. This exchanges will focus on the following topics:
1) Improve the impact of rural electrification on poverty reduction and sustainable development ;
2) Organisational aspects of rural electrification, emergence of private national utilities and cross-border electrification ;
3) Tools and technologies for rural electrification, including Geographical Information Systems
4) Simplified technical specifications and cost reduction ;
5) Financial aspects of rural electrification : national and international mechanisms, tariff setting, taxation.

Targets of the project are members of the CLUB ER, who expressed their interest at the Nouakchott workshop. The list of members, belonging to 15 countries, is the following:
1. Agence Béninoise d’Electrification Rurale et de Maîtrise de l’Energie, Benin
2. Fonds de Développement de l’Electricité, Burkina Faso
3. Agence d’Electrification Rurale, Cameroon
4. Agence de Régulation du Secteur de l’Electricité, Cameroon
5. Direction Générale de l’Energie, Central African Republic
6. Direction de l’Energie, Ivory Coast
7. Société d’Opération Ivoirienne d’Electricité, Ivory Coast
8. Agence Nationale d’Electrification Rurale, Congo Brazzaville
9. Commission Nationale de l’Energie, Congo RDC
10. Direction Générale de l’Energie et des Ressources Hydrauliques, Gabon
11. Direction Nationale de l’Energie, Guinea
12. Agence de Développement de l’Electrification Rurale, Madagascar
13. Agence Malienne de Développement de l’Energie Domestique et de l’Elect. Rurale, Mali
14. Agence de Développement de l’Electrification Rurale, Mauritania
15. Cellule d’Electrification Rurale, Niger
16. Agence Sénégalaise d’Electrification Rurale, Senegal
17. Direction de l’Energie, Chad
Description of the Actual Services Provided IED is in charge of the secretarial work for the first 3 years. The overall goal of ADEME and IEPF is capacity building of the CLUB ER. More specifically the project aims at:
- Assisting the CLUB ER members in realising the first topics initiated endogenously
- Assisting the functional structuring of CLUB ER, initiated in Nouakchott, to make it more autonomous eventually
- Assisting the thematic workshops on (i) Geographical Information Systems for rural electrification and (ii) rural electrification regulation.