Solar power. N/A  N/A



Feasibility study for power supply with photovoltaic system

Country : France .
Client : EDF - Electricité de France . Savoie
Start Date : 2004
Completion Date : 2004
Value of services : 2 093€
Funder : EDF (Electricité de France)
Associate/Partner : N/A
Description :
Following upon a request from EDF EDF-GDF Services Savoie, IED realized a feasibility and system sizing study concerning the power supply of 3 Chalets in the French Alps (Savoie) using a photovoltaic system, in the towns of Hermillon and Le Châtel.

- A site visit with a local manager enabled the counting of energy requirements of the chalets’ inhabitants during the 4 months of summer time, as well as identifying the solar and hydro potentials of the areas.
- The solar PV option was finally retained, given the low electricity demand (lighting, telephone, cooling for food purposes), as well as the important distance from the site to the nearest water stream and from the national grid.
- A PV equipment and positioning specifically adapted to each site’s characteristics were suggested, taking into account the house’s architecture, its orientation and the surrounding climate (3000m high), as well as potential masking effects.
- The sizing of the system was based on a daily occupation from mid-June to mid-October assumption, with the facilities vacant at times.
- A detailed costing for the investment (including man-hours required) was established.
- Sketches of the projected sites as well as photographs of the existing sites were attached to the final report.
Shepherds living in this mountainous environment face a particularly rude life. On top of the sometimes extreme mountain climate, the living space in the chalets is restrained, not comfortable, and the isolation particularly important. Food and goods supplies by foot or even with donkey is difficult.
We conducted this power supply study aiming to improve these shepherds’ life conditions, while maintaining a traditional way of life.
Description of the Actual Services Provided N/A