Wind power. N/A  N/A



Regional wind planning study

Country : France .
Client : N/A
Start Date : N/A
Completion Date : N/A
Value of services : 50 000€
Funder : ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) - Région Champagne Ardennes
Associate/Partner : CESAME
Description :
The wind planning study aim to set up a decision assistance tool for the development and territorial integration of wind farms. This regional study will make it possible to benefit from a global vision of possible localisation of wind farms and to develop a common strategy for wind farm territorial planning. These data will have to be able to be used under several purposes, like information, raising awareness or development assistance. Beneficiaries would include public institutions consulted for recommendations or regulatory authorizations, or private stakeholders.
One of the main objective of the study is to define the relevant zones for windfarms installation, in order to avoid any excessive geographical dispersion and spreading of future projects. This study covers all the Champagne-Ardenne region territory.
Description of the Actual Services Provided IED is the coordinator of the study as well as technical expert. It is associated with specific complementary expertises for environmental and bird impact assessment as well as landscape sensibility analysis. The main services provided are :
- Wind potential : to propose a development of wind farm not as an opportunist approach but as a decentralised electricity production and renewable sources of energy. This task is performed based on the wind atlas carried out in 2001.
- Analysis of parameters and constraints : evaluation of the constraints related to the territory by examining the following topics : connection with the electrical network (localization of the connection points, connection capacity, production and consumption areas), technical constraints (aeronautical, radio-electrical), natural environments and specific ornithological sensitivity, landscape sensitivity
- Elaboration of a geographical planning, identifying "red areas" (strong constraints, windfarm development impossible), "orange areas" (sufficient constraints to justify detailed studies showing that wind farm installation is possible with regards to the identified stakes), "yellow areas" (combining a sufficient wind potential with low technical, environmental and landscape constraints), and "white areas" (neutral from the point of view of wind projects, either due to a low wind potential or no specific constraints identified)
- Best practise Guideline for wind farm projects development in the Champagne-Ardenne Region, more specifically dedicated on environmental and landscape issues. Elaboration of a multicriteria analysis matrix for the evaluation and planning of the wind projects development.
All analyses are implemented through a GIS (Geographical Information System) for a relevant regional planning.