Bio electricity. Domestic energy  N/A



Contribution to the French Position Paper presented during the European Union Energy Initiative « Energy for Africa » conference in Nairobi, Kenya November 2003.

Country : OTHERS
Client : Foreign Affairs Minister
Start Date : 2003
Completion Date : 2003
Value of services : 3 655 €
Funder : French State (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Associate/Partner : Marge CIRAD Armines/CENERG
Description :
The objective of the study is to provide inputs to the French Position Paper on how to increase the sustainable valorisation of local natural energy resources that will be presented during the EUEI conference in November 2003 in Nairobi, Kenya.
The work conducted by IED consists in conducting a review of biomass energy technologies and of past experiences in terms of its range of its potential uses.
Description of the Actual Services Provided The projects was divided into three main parts :
1. Use of biomass for household use (with an analysis of the biogas programmes in India and China).
2. Identification of the potential uses of biomass residues, focussing on bagasse and wood residues.
3. Potential uses of biomass for rural electrification.