Drinking water supply. Solar power  N/A



Feasibility study for the regional solar pumping programme (PRS II)

Country : Burkina Faso. Mali. Niger
Client : CILSS - DGH
Start Date : 1999
Completion Date : 2001
Value of services : 460 000€
Funder : European Union
Associate/Partner : GAUFF
Description :
After the evaluation of the PRS project - phase 1 where 1626 solar pumps and 646 community systems (lighting, refrigeration) were installed, IED was contracted to be in charge of three main components of the overall PRS II (Burkina, Mali, Niger) programme. The objective of PRS II was to provide the essential elements for the definition of the Solar Regional Program - phase II (PRSII) in CILSS countries.
Description of the Actual Services Provided The study was carried out in three phases :
* Analysis of the Current Situation: State of the Art of equipment (costs-performance, new products); assessment and analysis of the actual PRS demand; updating of the running, operating and management frameworks; analysis of the maintenance options (content, contracts, costs); analysis of savings.
* Programme Definition : integration of the PRS programme in the national policy for “drinking water supply to rural small villages”; socio-economic study of pre-identified villages; technical and economic study of solar pumping systems; legal framework for delegation to private operators; definition of funding strategy for equipment (investment, maintenance, replacement) with contributions from state and end-users; methods of systems management; definition of the responsibilities of all actors (State, private operators, end-users); definition of implementation procedures; specific activities on the first PRS I pumping systems.
* Elaboration of the final document for the PRS II programme
The feasibility study of the Burkina, Mali and Niger components of the PRS II enters very clearly in the dynamics of the PRS II in the way that it studies precisely management conditions, distribution and utilisation of solar drinking water supply systems (activity 1) and defines the content of optimisation activities (activity 2) and new system installation (activity 3).
The definition of the PRS at the regional level has been completed, and the principles of the program have been established.