Technical assistance
Hydro electricity. N/A  N/A



Via Reservoir Reconnaissance preliminary study in Liberia (60 MW)

Country : Liberia. .
Client : European Commission .
Start Date : May 2013
Completion Date : October 2013
Value of services : 185 650 €
Funder : FWC BENEFICIARIES 2009-LOT 4: Energy & Nuclear Safety Europ Aid/127 054
Associate/Partner : N/A
Description :
Assistance to the Delegation of the European Union (EU) in Liberia to verify if the conclusions of previous studies (1970) are still valid and, if yes, prepare the terms of reference of a more comprehensive and detailed study which will ensure that the hydropower developments will be technically, environmentally, socially and financially viable. The implementation of a cascade of dams and power plants on the St Paul River may be recommended with a first project related to the creation of a reservoir on the Via River.

The Consultant assignment is carried out in three (3) phases

* Phase 1: Overall Assessment of the St Paul River basin
The Consultant conducts an assessment of the St Paul River basin cascade project (including the Via River Reservoir (60 MW), the diversion weir SP-4, the existing/rehabilitated Mount Coffee hydropower scheme (80 MW) and other hydro scheme like SP-1B (120 MW) & SP-2 (214 MW). The assessment is performed in compliance with the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (IHA)

* Phase 2: Via Reservoir-Project definition
This phase focuses on the definition of the Via River Reservoir project.
This phase includes a description of the facility,of the expected output contribution by the Via Reservoir at the Mount Coffee (rehabilitated) power plant and a projection of generation at SP-1B & SP-2 power plants, a detailed cost estimates for the main component and for operation and maintenance of the facility; a construction schedule; institutional aspects and an economic & financial analysis of the project; the revenue requirements, the exam of the environmental and social aspects, the climate change assessment and a risk analysis.

* Phase 3: Terms of Reference for the Detailed Feasibility Study
This last phase of the Reconnaissance Study will cover the preparation by the Consultant (in the light of its findings and after consultation with concerned parties in Liberia) of the Terms of Reference for the Detailed Feasibility Study of the Via Reservoir project. The detailed feasibility study scope will include the complete set of documents and data allowing the launching of an International Competitive Bidding for the construction of the project. In the meantime, Donors and Financers will base their decision for funding of the project on the results of the Detailed Feasibility Study.
Description of the Actual Services Provided * Updating topographical maps;
* Seismicity and definition of the geological context of Via Reservoir;
* Hydrology and assessment of the flood routing of the probable maximum flood through the Via reservoir; Discharge capacity of the spillway system; operating rules of the reservoir, water levels downstream of the dam/spillway. assessment of the aspects of solid transport,
* Definition of the type of dam based on a design at the project definition level taking due consideration of the identified possible availability of construction materials and the various characteristics of the proposed site.
* Reassessed in order to establish a valid data base for the future computations of generation capacities, Optimization of storage works, dimensioning of future hydraulic structures, and selection of environmental flows and appraisal of climate change influence on the rivers regimes patterns,
* List all potential issues which must be addressed in compliance with the guidelines, rules, regulations and good practices in the domain (specifically assess the needs for further surveys, impact studies and investigations required for complying with the safeguards and recommendations from the Multilateral Development Banks)
* Identify the institutional setup options for the project
* Carry out/update the project economic and financial analysis at reconnaissance level.
* Highlight the main risks facing the project (development of demand, hydrology, construction and environmental risks), and possible mitigation measures.