Information systems. Solar power  Rural electrification



Villages selection for the development of solar-hybrid mini-grid systems in rural areas

Country : Tanzania
Client : JUMEME – Rural Power Supply Ltd.
Start Date : 15/09/2015
Completion Date : 15/12/2015
Value of services : 34643 $
Funder : AfDB (African Development Bank)
Associate/Partner : N/A
Description :
About 30 villages have been identified by JUMEME for the first project phase which intended to develop solar-hybrid mini-grid systems in rural areas in mainland Tanzania.
The main objective of the project was to identify a list of 100 best-suitable villages for solar-hybrid mini grids development grouped in clusters as part of the project 's scale-phase.
Description of the Actual Services Provided Task 1: Preparation of a national GIS database
A GIS database including all relevant data to identify suitable project locations for solar hybrid mini-grids in Tanzania was prepared including national grid networks, multisectorial data (health and education infrastructures...) and anchor potential customers (Telecom towers, mines, water pumping...).
Task 2 : Geospatial Analysis and identification of 100 villages
Data were processed through an analytical matrix, measuring the potential of each locality for the development of a solar hybrid mini-grid using some criteria defined in collaboration with JUMEME
Task 3 : Report writing including preparation of Geographic maps locating areas suitable for developing solar hybrid mini grid projects.