Hydro electricity. Rural electrification  N/A



Detailed design study of a hydroelectric plant and creation of tender documents of Bafang SHPP site (2,5 MW)

Country : Cameroon
Client : ONUDI
Start Date : November 2018
Completion Date : November 2019
Value of services : 150 578 EUROS
Funder : ONUDI
Associate/Partner : Prescor, Georig, JMN
Description :
The development of small hydropower plants in Cameroon is still too low compared to its high potential (third potential in Africa) and the need for access to electricity in rural areas.
UNIDO, the United Nations agency for industrial development, is developing activities in developing countries aimed at increasing the competitiveness of industries and the viability of enterprises, particularly in rural areas. UNIDO is also seeking to increase the availability of renewable energy for productive uses while reducing industrial energy borrowing, in order to act on climate change by reducing industrial carbon emissions.

As part of its project in Cameroon to promote the promotion of hydropower investments and to contribute to market development for the intensification and replication of durable solutions, UNIDO commissioned IED to carry out a a detailed project and a tender dossier for the installation of the small hydropower plant at Bafang, with a nominal capacity of 2.5 MW, these documents to serve as models for other future projects supported by UNIDO.
Description of the Actual Services Provided 1 / Detailed study of the Bafang project:
• Site visits and collection of technical and socio-economic data;
• Realization of the APD study:
- review of the feasibility study;
- conducting electrical studies, civil engineering, design and plans, conducting electromechanical studies and controlling orders, carrying out hydrological and sedimentation studies, multi-criteria sectoral analyzes, conducting economic and financial studies;
- determination, review and validation of geological, geotechnical and topographical studies;
- determination, review and validation of environmental and social impact studies, risk assessment;
2 / Completion of tender documents (technical and financial-administrative)
3 / Project coordination and partner studies, reporting