Power generation. Power transmission  Power distribution



Master plan for generation, transmission & distribution of electricity of Gabon at horizon 20 years

Country : Gabon
Client : Ministry of Energy of Gabon
Start Date : 07/2019
Completion Date : 01/2021
Value of services : 461 000 EUROS
Funder : World Bank
Associate/Partner : N/A
Description :
As part of the Development Plan for the Electricity Transmission Production System by 2040, the Government of Gabon entrusted IED with the task of drawing up a national master plan for the production, transmission and distribution of electricity in Gabon for the period between 2020-2040.

The project has three main objectives:
1 / Identify the different scenari of electricity demand evolution over the period considered and develop a demand forecasting model;
2 / Identify the forecast of the electricity supply over the period considered through the analysis of low-cost optimization solutions of the existing generation fleet, taking into account the national energy mix potential and the subregional interconnection possibilities,
3 / Advise the Government of Gabon on the investment and pricing policy to be pursued over the period under review through the development of economic and financial analysis on the entire Gabonese energy sector.
Description of the Actual Services Provided 1 / Demand forecast identification:
• Data collection and processing: meeting key energy stakeholders, socio-economic analysis, sectoral and historical data analysis, creation of a bibliography and a geographic information system (GIS);
• Modeling demand growth by segmentation (LV, MV, HV, large energy-consuming projects, analyzes on all isolated networks of cities), by scripting and by aggregation for the interconnection of isolated networks.

2 / Analysis of production optimization solutions:
• Model existing fleet and committed projects (thermal, hydroelectric, biomass, etc.), least cost economic planning of the generating fleet to meet demand scenari with the GAP software;
• Multi-factorial sensitivity study, particularly with regards to the development of the gas sector and hydrological conditions.

3 / Diagnosis of the electricity network:
• Study of transport networks interconnecting isolated farms / networks and subregional interconnection;
• Identification of the structures necessary to monitor the evolution of the load;
• Study of distribution networks: determination of localities to feed, Identification of infrastructure needs for rural / urban distribution.

4 / Economic and financial analysis:
• Economic and financial modeling for the entire master plan and the projects to be implemented through the use of planning software;
• Definition of financing strategies, including carbon credit mechanism.

5 / Capacity building:
• Transfer of digital sector planning technologies (software);
• Training in the use of GIS software.