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Study of an harmonized formulation by the Swedish and Luxemburg supports for the environment sector in Burkina Faso

Country : Burkina Faso .
Client : Ministry of the Environment and the living environment (MECV)
Start Date : Avril 2011
Completion Date : July 2011
Value of services : 45 000€
Funder : Ministry of Environment of Burkina Faso
Description :
In a logic of appropriation and alignment, the formulation of the Luxemburg and Swedish supports must be led in a harmonized way, with the national part, and more particularly with the Ministry of the Environment and the living environment (MECV), and in dialogue with the other concerned partners.
Asdi intends to pursue in 2010 the process of preparation of its support for the PROTECV by basing itself on the priorities identified by the MECV, the experiences of the project PA-PTECV in the course of execution as well as the strategy of cooperation of Sweden with the Burkina Faso.
Appointed to formulate the support of the Luxemburg Cooperation, Lux-Development elaborated, in agreement with the MECV, a proposition of formulation which presents the stakes, the possible set-up as well as the methodology and the means to be mobilized for formulating this support. This proposition of formulation was validated by the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Luxembourg.
The option taken afterward for an harmonized formulation by the Swedish and Luxemburg supports is motivated by the support to the principles of the Declaration of Paris as well as by the convergence of objectives of the Cooperations of both countries for the environment sector in Burkina Faso.
Description of the Actual Services Provided - Study supervision on the institutional context and the capacities of the MECV linked with the program’s approach and in the management of the public finance,
- Study supervision on the existing capacities in the sub-sectors of purification and forest resources management, on the relations between actors and needs in strengthening capacities
- Realization of a capitalization study of experiences and good practices in sustainable management of forest resources in Burkina Faso and the sub-region
- Study supervision on the improvement of actions in agroforestry and recovery of the degraded grounds.
- Provision of registered documents considering the program approach in the environment and forestry sectors,
- Elaboration of two programs documents (for Luxemburg and Swedish supports) coherent, complementary and coordinated