Rural electrification. N/A  N/A



Analysis of the energy profile and local connectivity in the Central East region

Country : Burkina Faso. .
Client : ENABEL Burkina Faso
Start Date : 2021-04-27
Completion Date : 2021-07-31
Value of services : 95 407 EUROS
Funder : ENABEL
Associate/Partner : Albaron Digital (telecommunication), BGB Meridian (village surveys)
Description :
The Belgian-Burkinabe bilateral cooperation programme for the period 2019-2023 aims to "contribute to the inclusive and sustainable economic and social development of the Central East region" through an integrated approach targeting : (1) the fabric of SME TPE ; (2) the provision of financial and non-financial services ; (3) a favourable business environment and (4) improved access to structuring investments for economic actors in the region.

Energy and connectivity solutions have been identified as structuring investment sectors, important to create an environment conducive to economic and sustainable development. IED is thus mandated to carry out the energy services supply and demand and internet connectivity analysis in the Central East region, and to identify investment opportunities for private sector players.
Description of the Actual Services Provided IED is in charge for carrying out:
(1) mapping of private and public actors in the energy and connectivity fields
(2) identifying existing potential and prospects for demand evolution that may attract private investors to the various municipalities
(3) identifying the blocking factors that explain the low presence of private companies in the supply of energy and connectivity in the region and proposing solutions
(4) proposals for energy and connectivity solutions tailored to the East Central Region and estimation of potential and success factors

Main final deliverables: an energy report and a connectivity report.