Rural electrification. Solar power  N/A



Reassessment of the 12 solar mini-grids demand in Benin

Country : Benin. .
Client : Les Soleils du Bénin
Start Date : 2024-12-01
Completion Date : 2024-12-31
Value of services : 5 600 EUROS
Funder : Les Soleils du Bénin
Associate/Partner : N/A
Description :
As part of the OCEF (Off-Grid Clean Energy Facility), funded by MCA Benin II, the project company Les Soleils du Bénin (SdB) has developed 12 solar photovoltaic mini-grids over the departments of Collines, Atacora, Borgou and Alibori. They were commissioned between May and December 2023. After a first year of the plants operation, IED Consult was asked to analyse the electricity consumption data and reassess the forecast demand on the 12 sites according to several scenarios.
Description of the Actual Services Provided This demand forecasting service for Les Soleils du Bénin was divided into 3 main activities:

• Mapping of each localities, with integration of buildings, satellite maps, LV network layouts and subscriber positions.
• Analysis of available data: customers numbers evolution, specific consumption, identification of impact factors (...).
• Re-evaluation of demand assumptions with model development and synthesis report.

Final key deliverables:
• Maps of the 12 sites
• Revised application template under multiple scenarios