Solar power. N/A  N/A



Participation to the IEA PVPS Task 9 and the WG4 of the European Photovoltaic Platform

Country : EUROPE . Worldwide
Client : ADEME - French Environment and Energy Management Agency
Start Date : 01 october 2009
Completion Date : 01 january 2011
Value of services : 60 000$
Funder : ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency)
Associate/Partner : N/A
Description :
IED, on behalf of ADEME will represent France, through its active participation and contribution to the development of two European projects on the sustainable utilization of PV:
* IEA PVPS Task 9 : Sustainable Deployment of PV in Developing Countries
* European PV Technology Platform – Working Group 4 activities in developing countries.
The latter is oriented towards the assistance to the European PV Industry and acts as a lobby group to the EC, whilst the former targets a larger audience in developing countries and its objective is to ensure the successful deployment of PV.
The project activities include:
* Coordination of the finalization of activities in the work programme of Task 9
* Definition of a new working programme for Task 9 in coordination with all Task 9 members and presentation to ADEME and the Executive Committee
* Support to the rural electrification activities of the IEA and a conference “financing of least cost options for renewables and PV” on solar pumping to be held in 2010 in Switzerland.
* Participation to the working group n°4 of the European PV platform, with an interest in the development of hybrid PV-diesel systems and coordinate a working group on questions relative to financing. Contributions to the ARE magazine.
* Participation to working meetings
Description of the Actual Services Provided IED acts as the French representative for the IEA PVPS Task 9 and the European Photovoltaic Platform working group n°4 and carries out all the activities described above on behalf of ADEME.