Job opportunity

As part of the development of its international activities, mainly in Africa and Asia, IED is looking for the following profiles:

Job offer: Energy Planning & Decarbonization

The IED group is looking for an Energy Planner / electricity sector & decarbonization, on a permanent contract (executive status) based in France, in Lyon, with international travel. Position to be filled as soon as possible.

The company:

Innovation Energie Développement - iED - is a consulting and engineering company engaged in international cooperation since 1988. Specialising in projects in Africa and Asia, iED is a recognised actor for its mastery of the energy access sector. Its actions field covers all stages of the sector: energy modelling, planning, design and engineering studies, socio-economic and financial activities, project management as well as stakeholders training and digital tools development.

Driven by a logic of sustainability and socio-economic impacts resulting from its action, iED:

  • Advises public decision-makers in their energy strategy definition and implementation, in particular through the design of national or supranational master plans;
  • Carries out engineering studies (pre-feasibility, feasibility & execution) and technical and socio-economic diagnosis (in particular in electricity demand analysis);
  • Designs, develops and supervises the construction of electricity production, transmission and distribution infrastructures in rural and urban areas (project management assistance, project management);
  • Supports players in the energy sector, in particular through the implementation and development of specific software, training sessions on energy-related topics and tools, or technical assistance for the projects development and implementation.

With a multicultural team with varied skills of about 30 employees in France and a hundred abroad, iED currently works in about twenty countries and collaborates with various national institutions - ministries of energy, local authorities - and international institutions - including: World Bank, EU, AFD, AFDB, DFID, MCC, UN, FFEM - national electricity companies, regulatory and rural electrification agencies,  multinationals in the energy sector and local companies.

Thanks to its expertise in the production of renewable energy, and with a view to expanding its activities, iED created iED Invest in 2011. This sister company embodies the notion of "public-private partnerships" through the development, construction and operation of renewable energy production units: biomass power plants using waste from rice cultivation and agroforestry in Cambodia, Benin and Senegal to hydroelectric power plants in Cameroon and Madagascar.

Responsibilities and proposed missions:

As a planner, you will be involved in the company's projects - via sector strategy activities, energy modelling, decarbonisation planning, demand forecasting, etc., in the energy and electricity sector.

  1.       Low-carbon planning for the energy sector
  • Data collection and database development on the energy sector
  • Implementation of EIS – Energy Information Systems
  • Modelling of sectoral energy trajectories – using planning tools already proven by IED and in coordination with customer expectations
  • National or regional consolidations
  • Formulation of action plans and decarbonization strategies
  • Training
  1.        Power Sector Planning:
  • Modelling electricity demand forecasting via data processing and socio-economic surveys, and definition of supply options according to coverage objectives and available budgets
  • Analysis of institutional and regulatory frameworks, sector practices, pre-established policy recommendations and incentive mechanisms for public planners (ministries of energy)
  • Presentation and recommendations of different scenarios to planners and policymakers
  • Production/transmission/distribution planning studies of the electricity sector for all existing energy production and supply technologies and according to the needs defined by public planners with decarbonization objectives

Desired profile:

  • Master level in economics or engineering. Dual degree (engineering + economics)
  • Minimum 5 years of professional experience,
  • Fluent English, essential
  • Basic proficiency in French, with a willingness to achieve fluency.Mastery of economic calculation (ability to model),
  • Knowledge of the essential energy sector
  • Mastery of statistical and data analysis software and tools desired (Excel, VBA, SPSS...)
  • Knowledge of planning software such as TIMES, LEAP, PLEXOS, Antares, MAED, Osemosys, etc. would be a plus
  • Knowledge and mastery of Geographic Information Systems would be a plus
  • Experience in emerging countries (Africa / Asia / Latin America) appreciated

Qualities sought:

  • Autonomy in the work, ability to propose innovative approaches and to be a force of proposal
  • Intercultural team spirit, good interdisciplinary interpersonal skills, international negotiation skills
  • Ability to work in another language (Portuguese, Spanish) would be a plus
  • Interest in the development of renewable energies in Africa, Asia, Latin America

Fixed remuneration according to profile and experience + variable (profit-sharing, turnover and performance bonuses)

50% coverage of transport card / group health insurance and repatriation insurance / meal vouchers

Please send your application letter + Resume to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  / Address: iED, 2 Chemin de la Chauderaie, 69340 Francheville – Lyon Métropole